it's time to stop using disqus

You probably have noticed that the comment boxes on our website are nolonger using disqus. This is because disqus decided that people using their extreamly pricy ‘pro’ plans are not enough to pay for their service, and they decided to force ads on all free users.

This is on top of them already using about 100 trackers and taking a long time to load because of how bloated it is.

When looking for a new comment box wiget, we did not find anything that could replace disqus without being expensive like disqus’s ‘pro’ plans. That changed when we found utterances. utterances is a comment wiget that is actually just using GitHub’s issue api for the comments, so the service will never cost anything, and plus its open-source!

It even supports a nice dark theme and uses a very customizable github css library!

Posted March 12, 2020